速報APP / 健康塑身 / Diet Plan for Atkins

Diet Plan for Atkins





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Diet Plan for Atkins(圖1)-速報App

Atkins Diet Plan - Benefits & Risks

Diet Plan for Atkins(圖2)-速報App

Atkins diet works on the notion that weight gain is caused, not by fat intake or food portions, but by the way our bodies deal with the breakdown of carbohydrates, in particular processed and starchy carbs such as bread, potatoes or pasta.

Diet Plan for Atkins(圖3)-速報App

After the first couple of weeks, the Atkins Diet provides a maintenance program, which involves gradual re-introduction of some carbohydrates into the diet in order to maintain the weight loss. The carb intake, even at this stage, is much lower than most people are accustomed to.

Diet Plan for Atkins(圖4)-速報App

During the initial period, this diet can be very difficult - particularly for people that are used to large quantities of carbohydrate in their daily diets. The sudden drop in carb intake can have a variety of side effects. Common ones during the first few days are: dizziness, nausea, headaches, and faintness. Another, rather unpleasant, side-effect is bad breath, which is caused by the body going into ketosis.

Diet Plan for Atkins(圖5)-速報App

The Atkins Diet is great for those that love the thought of a fry-up every morning. Bacon, eggs, sausage ... fried, baked, grilled ... it doesn't matter - they are all recommended on this diet. Cheese, butter and cream are also very low or no carb products and they are also recommended on this diet. But what do all of these things have in common? They are all high in saturated fat.